Friday, October 26, 2012

The girls' Disney Junior Birthday Party

I cannot believe that the girls' Birthday party has already come and gone. We had so much fun! I decided to let them have a joint party this year, and we went with a "Disney Junior" theme because Doc McStuffins and Minnie Mouse are the girls' favorites right now. Little Einsteins is mine, and I thought it would be more "boy" friendly too. :)
We chose to have their party at the park since we wanted to include all of our family and their friends, and it was the perfect venue and a beautiful day for my beautiful girls. We had plenty of built in activities, but I also planned a few of my own. I made one of the tables "Doc's Clinic" and let the kids give the stuffed animals check ups with their doctor's kits. They recorded their findings in the "Big Book of Boo Boos" that I made for them.  I also made one table "Minnie's Bow-Tique" and let the kiddos make pink hairbows or blue bowties with glitter glue, jewels, markers, and foam stickers. We also brought our Cozy Coupe and turned it into "Rocket's Rides for the littler ones.

Since we had the party in the morning, I went light on the refreshments. I made pumpkin spice muffins, allergy free cupcakes, Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets, and popcorn. I served pink lemonade, capri suns, and water bottles.

For the treat bags, I made Doc's first aid kits with heart bandaids, tongue depressors, and medicine dispensers, Minnie Mouse stickers, Little Einstein coloring sheets, bouncy balls, and candy!

My fun and creative friend Haley made Addison and Ansley these cute shirts for their party. They could not wait to wear them!


Anonymous said...


Adriana B said...

I love the creativity you put into making this a memorable birthday celebration.