But first, some exciting Crawford news!
Patrick accepted a
new job on Friday right here in
Franklin, Tennessee.
Yep, that's correct. Right here. No more travel. Hallelujah! Most of you know how hard this past year has been with him having to be away, and we are so thankful. We feel like a fog has been lifted, and we pray that God has used this year to keep us from taking things for granted. Addison is probably the most excited of all--this month of him being home has blessed her with an undeniable affection for her daddy. Merry Christmas to us!
Secondly, we are already enjoying our Birthday/Christmas present to each other--we purchased it early because we got a great deal, and we thought we'd like to start learning to use it so that we could maximize our Christmas memories. We have a long way to go, but after months of research, discussion with photographer friends, and negotiation (with each other and salesmen), we are excited about our new...

I am taking recommendations for photography books, classes, and any helpful tips. I'm far removed from my dark room days, and I want to use this product to its fullest potential. We've been trying out the 2 lenses we bought, and I'm anxious to test out some of my dad's Canon lenses. (FYI, did you know that Canon and Wolf broke up? Wolf doesn't even carry their products anymore, and they act strange when you even bring up "Canon" in camera talk... Fishy...)
Lastly, here are the words of a Christmas card that my favorite boss sent. You might remember her with my
"gentle" post from this time last year. She has a way with words, and I hope you are as encouraged from it as I was.
Carried in the small card is a token of my deepest wishes for you and yours in this festive time of year.
I wish for you time with family and friends that warms you for the year to come.
I wish for you to feel the childlike joy that allowed you to believe in miracles and play in the snow.
I wish for you to know the power of mindful positivity over instinctual negativity.
I wish for you joy that fills up the empty parts of your spirit and helps you to see the goodness abounding around you each moment.
I wish for you to know the importance of rest over exhaustion.
I wish for you to find relaxation and refreshment that makes you feel your best self.
I wish for you celebration that flutters your heart and your feet.
I wish for you peace.
May this season provide you all that you wish!
But first, some exciting Crawford news!
Patrick accepted a
new job on Friday right here in
Franklin, Tennessee.
Yep, that's correct. Right here. No more travel. Hallelujah! Most of you know how hard this past year has been with him having to be away, and we are so thankful. We feel like a fog has been lifted, and we pray that God has used this year to keep us from taking things for granted. Addison is probably the most excited of all--this month of him being home has blessed her with an undeniable affection for her daddy. Merry Christmas to us!
Secondly, we are already enjoying our Birthday/Christmas present to each other--we purchased it early because we got a great deal, and we thought we'd like to start learning to use it so that we could maximize our Christmas memories. We have a long way to go, but after months of research, discussion with photographer friends, and negotiation (with each other and salesmen), we are excited about our new...

I am taking recommendations for photography books, classes, and any helpful tips. I'm far removed from my dark room days, and I want to use this product to its fullest potential. We've been trying out the 2 lenses we bought, and I'm anxious to test out some of my dad's Canon lenses. (FYI, did you know that Canon and Wolf broke up? Wolf doesn't even carry their products anymore, and they act strange when you even bring up "Canon" in camera talk... Fishy...)
Lastly, here are the words of a Christmas card that my favorite boss sent. You might remember her with my
"gentle" post from this time last year. She has a way with words, and I hope you are as encouraged from it as I was.
Carried in the small card is a token of my deepest wishes for you and yours in this festive time of year.
I wish for you time with family and friends that warms you for the year to come.
I wish for you to feel the childlike joy that allowed you to believe in miracles and play in the snow.
I wish for you to know the power of mindful positivity over instinctual negativity.
I wish for you joy that fills up the empty parts of your spirit and helps you to see the goodness abounding around you each moment.
I wish for you to know the importance of rest over exhaustion.
I wish for you to find relaxation and refreshment that makes you feel your best self.
I wish for you celebration that flutters your heart and your feet.
I wish for you peace.
May this season provide you all that you wish!