Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Unexplainable Sadness...

"God is on our side; He will see us through." These sweet, poignant words came from Katelyn's mouth moments after she learned of the tragic loss of her mother in a house fire early Thursday morning. Such faithful words by a young Christian, wise and mature beyond her years.

Jordan and Katelyn Creel are two of the teens from the Landmark Youth Group who we love and miss the most. They were a huge part of Patrick's life during his years as youth minister there, and he feels like they are his younger brother and sister. We traveled to Montgomery this weekend to spend time with them and mourn their sad loss.

Please pray for this sweet family and read this touching article about Jordan.


Jenny said...

That is horrible. Did they figure out what caused the fire???

Mitzi said...

Wow! That is terrible. I will keep this family in my prayers.

Jesse Faris said...

Incredibly saddened by this. Those kids are so sweet...I pray that God uses you in their lives during this time in whatever way He can.

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

that article is sweet. sorry we missed each other, but its great you were able to make it back for the funeral! I know it meant a lot to them!

Tiffany Norris said...

This makes me so sad. But what an incredible attitude from such a young Christian. I will be praying for them.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thank you guys soooo much for being here for myself and Jordan! Just the simple words "We are praying for you" mean more than you all know! Thanks and just keep on praying for us as we are having to make a lot of hard decisions that come with all of this!!

P.S. I love you Patrick and Kristy