Wednesday, May 06, 2009

texting, rumor mills, high school drama...

All in a day's work...

Disclaimer: Despite the story I am about to share, I have been overall very satisfied with my working mommy status and daycare situation. This story is an exception to that satisfaction...

Yesterday, I arrived at work to drop Addison off, and I found out that her 2 full-time teachers were out sick. The co-op student who works in there consistently with the babies was going to be in there all day. I felt ok about that.

When I went to check on her at 11:30--as I do each day--the student was not there, and a floater was feeding one of the younger babies a bottle. I noticed that there were only 3 babies instead of 4, and I inquired about the 4th. I learned that they had checked her temperature, found that it was extremely high, and the student worker had driven her with her mother (also a student) to the doctor--leaving the rest of the babies with the floater. I was NOT happy about that.

When I saw Addison, she'd been placed in a swing with a blanket that wasn't her own. Then, as I was sitting there with her, I looked at her chart and noticed that there was no record of her having been fed her mid-morning bottle OR her having had her diaper changed. At this point, I was trying to keep my composure, but I was increasingly upset. I inquired about the bottle; the lady said that she hadn't had one since she'd been in there, but she had made her one. I looked at it and it looked small, so I asked if she'd just had a little of it. She said, "No, I made her 4 ounces... isn't that what she takes?" I said, "Ummm, NO! She takes 6-7 ounces 4 times a day, and she should have had this an hour and a half ago..." So, I fed her myself. She ravenously sucked it down. Then I changed her myself. Then I walked out of the daycare and had a "mommy meltdown." I mean I was crying so hard. I found one of my mommy friends and asked her how I should handle it--wanting to wait until the emotions had subsided so that I would be heard rather than written off because I was irrational.

Two periods later, I spoke with the director, expressed my concerns, got things taken care of; however, a student happened to be in the hallway. Before I knew it, through texting, a rumor had been started that a baby in the daycare had the swine flu. THE SWINE FLU. The next day, my kids were coming in my room asking if I was ok--they'd heard that Addison had gotten the swine flu.

I was so annoyed, but I got over it. Gotta love teenagers...

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