Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Grey's Anatomy... whoa!

Anybody see the finale last night? What did you think? Who should she choose? What about Izzy? thoughts, predictions, opinions welcomed. I was floored... and a little embarassed at one point... I think I'm going to watch it again right now!

(BTW, I'm home early today because our school had to let out due to backed up raw sewage! What in the world...)


Caanan said...

I cried so much watching those three hours. Izzy is definitely crazy, and I'm so heartbroken that her crazy plan didn't work. Merideth is soooo stupid. And these days, I really hate Derek. He is making the dumbest decisions. I would seriously be fine if he and Meredith weren't on the show. I love the other interns (except Alex) sooooo much more than either of those. And Burke! At the end of the first hour I just didn't know what to do. So much rambling, so many blogs to catch up on.

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

ohmygosh totally cried at the loss of dog and the loss of denny. and im totally loving chris odonell. what is up with grey becoming a bit of a hobag? I mean really? that scene was embarassing. i watched it with walt and charity, so i turned a little pink.