Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Hope deferred...

In my quiet time today, my heart lead me to a familiar verse...

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." ~Proverbs 13:12

This verse is one that I have prayed many times for friends and family...in hopes for parenthood and being blessed with children--fertility and adoption and the waiting process, love and dating with the desire for marriage, job searches and changes and fulfillment, etc... I have definitely prayed this verse for myself when I am hoping a life dream of my own will be realized. I wonder, though, if I am praying it in the right way... Are my longings the Lord's longings? I know my ways are not his ways... If I am praying in the right spirit, will he align my longings with His? I do believe that His desire for us is that our greatest hope is in Him, and so how does that translate into/relate to/connect wuth our earthy--albeit spiritually earthly--desires? So much over-thinking sometimes! In all of my theological literature, I cannot find much specificity.

I wish that King Solomon would have laid out the complete context sometimes; other times I am satisfied with this sweet morsel. I just want my prayer of the verse to be pure and real and realized.

Hope is a wonderful motivator, but longings fulfilled are sweet to the soul indeed. I pray the same for you and your hopes today!


Holly-- The Storm Chaser said...

This is exactly what I needed to read this afternoon. Thank-you for sharing that!

McKinney Madness said...

This has always been one of my favorite verses, and I often think, wonder, or worry about the same thing- is what I want the same as what God's will is for this situation? Regardless, I know that God knows our hearts and sees just how real and genuine we are trying to be. You have been and always will be a genuine friend and prayer warrior- I know God sees that through and through! : )