Monday, June 08, 2009

Little Swimmie Leakage...

We just got in from eating at The Back Porch and shopping at Destin Commons after spending a sunny day out at the beach. Addison took her first nap out on the beach and looked like an old pro, sweet girl. Our first day of vacation feels complete--everybody has full tummies and is ready for bed.

I had an issue with the swimmie diapers this afternoon, though. After the girls woke up from their afternoon naps, Amy and were planning to take them to the pool. I put Addison in her swimmie while I was heating her bottle, and I was feeding her in my lap when I felt a warm puddly sensation in my lap. It took me a minute to realize that she had PEED ON ME--straight through her diaper, through my coverup, through my bathing suit. She took a break from her bottle and sighed real contentedly, like, "Ah, that felt good." What a silly girl. Anyway, not to big of a fan of those swimmies, but it made for a good laugh.


Kiera said...

Yeah, I didn't really figure those out till lately too. They actually allow the pee to go straight through and they just hold anything else. So really it's basically like they are peeing in the pool. They have a impervious layer that just allows the wetness to go through so it won't soak up all the water and be a big huge mess. So, it's really a strange concept, but yeah I don't put them on Tyler till right when he is going into the pool and then take it off right when he gets out... It's weird!

Amy said...

I really enjoyed getting to witness that event. I will treasure the look on your face always.

Jesse Faris said...

Ooo boy, I am glad for that information. (Stowing away for future reference!) I'm sure it was a sight to behold! Hope you girls have a fabulous time!

Anonymous said...

First of all, you look gorgeous in your picture with sweet Addison! Secondly, that is too funny about the swim diaper. I know you all are having a great time. We miss you here. Tell my niece that I said hello and tell Amy and Caroline hi too! Love you...


Patrick said...
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Patrick said...

Addison, you are a silly, silly girl. Man babe, I wish I could have seen the look on your face. I miss being at the beach with you! I absolutely love the picture of my two girls!!!

khovater said...

Totally made that mistake. By the time I made it to our car from the fountain the girls were playing in I was soaked all the way through shirt, jeans and undies. Only holds the poop.